Global Warming

Global Warming

Please read the article on Global Warming here before answering the questions.


1) What is global warming?

→global warming is the Earth heating up time 


2) What increases heat-trapping greenhouse gases?

  1. a) The sun     b) burning Fossil Fuels
  2. c) The water  d) schools


3) Which layer of the Earth do Fossil Fuels come from?

  1. a) Mantle b)   Inner Core
  2. c) Crust d)     Outer Core


4) What are fossil fuels made from?

  1. a) minerals from rocks b)  planting trees
  2. c) minerals from the water d) dead animals and plants


5) Why are fossil fuels so detrimental to the Earth?

→they release large amounts of carbon dioxide 


6) True or False: Greenhouse gases trap rain and storms.

  1. a) True                         b) False


7) How did Greenhouse gases get the name “greenhouse”?

→because the greenhouse doesn’t let the heat out , thats like the gases 


8) True or False: Without an atmosphere, the Earth wouldn’t be as warm as it is now.

  1. a) True                     b) False


9) What can we do to slow global warming?

           → when its less electricity  


10) Why do you think learning about Global Warming is so important?

           → so when someone asks you what dose global warming means to you tell them ,

Catapult Building

Today we learnt what Stem was . Stem stands for science,technology,engineering,And maths .We made our catapult out of 7 popsicle sticks and five rubber bands . we fired our projectile 3 times and measured the distance of how far it went .Distance , round one ,3,70 meters ,round two ,2,7 metres round,three,2.84 metres

st patricks day

St Patrick’s Day

Please read the article on St Patrick’s Day here before answering the questions.


1) When is St Patrick’s Day celebrated?

  1. a) 16th March b) 17th March
  2. c) 18th March                                d) 19th March


2) Which of the following was not how St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated?

  1. a) Formal     b) Fun
  2. nc) Religious d) Traditional


3) Where was St Patrick originally from?

  1. b) Ireland
  2. c) France d) Italy


4) Why do you think St Patrick’s Day was such a religious event?

→because st patrick brought christianity to ireland 


5) In which ways has St. Patrick’s Day changed over time?

→is used to be traditional ,religious and formal event but now  its a  celebrated  holiday 


6) Leprechauns and four-leaf clovers are a symbol of Britain.

  1. a) True                         b) False


7) Why is Green such a symbolic colour in Ireland?

→stories about green being protection 


8) True or false: St. Patricks used to teach with a four-leaf clover or shamrock in his hand.

  1. a) True                     b) False


9) Why do you think people say that St. Patrick’s got rid of all of the snakes in Ireland?

           → because there were no animals or creatures in ireland so people believed the  story 

All About Me

Hi my name is Mama’D and I am a student in Room 8 at Point England School. my favourite thing to learn about in school is my time tables And writing I enjoy playing netball and basketball. I have 3 sisters including me, I am the middle child and the second oldest. My favourite thing to eat is french fries, ice cream and pineapple , my favourite drink is l&P and sprite. Thank you for visiting my blog, please leave a positive comment

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