Year: 2023

Woof Woof 😍😍 , Make it work !

Greetings and hello to those who are here to see the final ends of our Make it work inquiry project. We have now come to an end of our whole inquiry project. We are now here to talk and explain about the making and process of this whole project that we have concurred to put together. 

At the start of this whole ” Make it work ” project,  our group was so lost in what to do. Our whole group tried looking online and tried to figure out what good materials and wood to use, but unfortunately we couldn’t find anything. 

On the day where we had the chance to build our project, we stood there lost and confused, staring at our piece of cardboard. Then, with Tumoes big smart head she thought of a brilliant idea. A photobooth ! 

As we finished painting our whole piece of cardboard completely black, we splattered some white paint on it to give off galaxy vibes. Next we went on our chromebooks to look for some funny props and fancy looking letters to print out. While our letter and props were printing out,  we decided that our video needed a little bit of editing. Once paulah went to get the props, me and Tumoe started looking for a small box to use to put the props inside, When we walked out of class we saw ema and leata sitting next to small boxes, We asked if we could have one and they said “ yes “ , Once we finished painting the box black we then glued it to our black backdrop !, Finally all of that was finished. We glued the letters onto our background which says ‘Class of 2023’. Our project was coming together!  As we finished cutting out our props we decided to use this time to paint our box. Once it was finished drying we glued the box up on our black background! We then decided that we needed to give people examples of our beautiful photobooth so we went outside and waited for people to walk by. Then when our friends or our classmates walked past, we asked them if they’d like to try our photobooth out and thankfully they said yes. We then started to do some final touch ups on our movie and after a long awaited while, our movie and project was finally finished ! thank you for watching our journey to succes, feel free to leave some positive feedback, ofa atu ! 

Intro Narrative

On one cold shallow night there was a little girl named Snow White , After Snow white got back from a sleepover at her friends house she had to go sleep after that , But she couldn’t sleep right so she decided to go take her dog named Glitter for a walk down to the park ,  Once they got outside Glitter couldn’t stop barking uncontrollably , Snow white didn’t think anything of it and just started walking .While they were walking Glitter stopped walking And It left the little girl worried and annoyed that her dog was doing all of this , They were almost at the park when the little girl fainted . And as worried the parents were that their daughter wasn’t home they were even more worried that their daughter fainted in a place they would never expect it . While they were trying to track their daughter they remembered their dog had a collar with a tracker on it , So as they tracked there daughter down they went to the park and saw there daughter was laying down on the floor unconscious . The little girl was shivering cold on the floor. But when the parents picked their daughter up they headed to the hospital to find out what caused this problem . When they reached the hospital , the doctors said it was a poised smoke that caused all of this . The parents were paranoid of what will ever happen again to their daughter , So they decided to not let her outside again and keep her safe inside , But when they reached home the little girl was feeling light headed and went to take a long nap . And what felt like forever Snow White woke up and grabbed her dog to take it for another walk , When they got outside the dog started talking to Snow White , Snow White thought she was imagineering things but she wasnt and her dog was actually talking to her , The dog was leading the little girl to a mysterious place and left the little girl shocked and amazed her dog could do all this . When they reached their destination the dog walked ahead of the little girl and met up with this dark shadow . While the dark shadow led the both of them inside the little girl was so stuttered by the whole situation . The dark shadow led them more further into the house , When they reached upstairs they saw a lot of photos of Snow White and her family , It left the little girl speechless , As the dark shadow and Glitter turned around they started chasing Snow White down the hallway , The little girl was frightened and scared and then started running like her life depended on it , Once they reached outside there was 5 to 9 aliens waiting outside for the little girl , The aliens and little girl jumped into a party bus and sped off , It made the little girl sad that her childhood dog tried to hurt her . When the bus stopped the aliens introduced themselves to the little girl. The girl looked frightened so the aliens gave her some rainbow juice and it calmed her down . The aliens were Snow White’s little buddies that came into town and helped her with her problems. Their names were Alvin / Simon / Theodore / Britney / Elenor and Jeanette . The rest of the aliens and to head out and help other children with their problem , It hit midnight and the aliens went to drop Snow White back home to her parents . Once they got home the little girl just woke up from her sleep . Snow White then woke up screaming and crying for her dog Glitter. Her dog then came running down the stairs to her room. Everything left the little girl’s head blank and made her wonder how any of this happened . Snow White was scared so she went to her parents and asked what was happening. The parents were looking at each other confused because they didn’t know what was happening either. Then first thing in the morning the parents decided to take their daughter in for surgery to see what had been going on for the past 3 days . They got to the doctors and found out that everything was just a dream and the daughter was a special kid and needed special care with her problem .


The end .